Friday, December 17, 2004

Why you are the way you are

Think about it. Why a washing machine is not being used for transporting people from one place to another place like car. Because the way it was created it can clean cloths only. It is fulfilling the purpose of its creation. Same way you are, the way you are because God created you like this. you are preprogrammed though with some wide boundaries within which you can change your appearance and behaviour. If you are a pious virtuous person, even though you have capacity to kill or harm others you will never do it because your mental makeup is like that. It is a program embedded in your DNA . changing the genetic code may alter the behaviour. But just like upgrading the software alone will not do any good without upgrading the hardware to play complex games, It will not do any good just changing the genetic code alone (software).

......... to be continued as and when i feel so


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